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Prop B Project updates

New CTE Building

A new Career and Technology Education (CTE) Vocational Trades building will be constructed (12,058 square feet). New equipment will also be purchased for the various fields of study that CISD will offer students.

Agriculture Building Renovations

Construction of the new CTE center is expected to take place without impacting school operations. Classes will be in session in the current structure(s) while construction is underway on the east end of the property. 

The existing agriculture building will be renovated to address much needed life-cyle improvements.

Parking Lot Expansion

The driveway on the south side of the softball complex will be widened and additional parking spaces will be added to accommodate deliveries and staff parking.

Planning Impactful Learning Spaces for Future CISD Students & Teachers!
New CTE Building

A new Career and Technology Education (CTE) Vocational Trades building will be constructed (12,058 square feet). New equipment will also be purchased for the various fields of study that CISD will offer students.

Agriculture Building Renovations

Construction of the new CTE center is expected to take place without impacting school operations. Classes will be in session in the current structure(s) while construction is underway on the east end of the property. 

The existing agriculture building will be renovated to address much needed life-cyle improvements.

Parking Lot Expansion

The driveway on the south side of the softball complex will be widened and additional parking spaces will be added to accommodate deliveries and staff parking.

Planning & Constructing Impactful Learning Spaces for Future CISD Students & Teachers!

Current Phase

Planning & Design: Schematic Design
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